Americans with Disabilities Act Toolkit (PDF)
Americans with Disabilities Act rules have changed. Make sure you're in full compliance with the latest ADA accessibility standards, whether you're building a new restaurant, renovating a current location, or removing existing barriers to guests with disabilities. The NRA's new ADA toolkit gives you all the facts on how new ADA standards could affect your restaurant. Get guidelines for welcoming guests with disabilities to your restaurant. You'll receive:
- An overview of Title III of the ADA, which prohibits restaurants and other places of public accommodation from discriminating against guests with disabilities
- Specifics on the new federal accessibility guidelines, which set new ground rules defining everything that makes a restaurant "accessible," from restrooms to signage, elevators, ramps, parking spaces and more.
- A checklist that you can use in your restaurant to evaluate such features as dining areas, self-service counters and children's play areas.
- What to do if you are sued under the ADA.
- Guidance on new regulations covering the use of service animals and mobility devices in restaurants.